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Chinese translation for "observation plane"


Related Translations:
observation:  n.1.观察,注意;观察力;?望。2.观测,实测;【航海】测天;【军事】观测,监视,侦察。3.(观察得的)知识,经验;〔pl.〕观察[观测]报告[资料]。4.经验谈,讲话,谈话;评述,按语,短评,意见 (on)。5.〔口语〕发言,言论。短语和例子a man of no observation 没有观察力的人。 an expedition of observation 观察队
participant observation:  (社会学家等通过参加研究对象的活动进行的)现场观察研究。
observation post:  【军事】监视哨,了望哨〔略为 O Pip〕。
observation balloon:  【军事】观测气球。
observation check:  外部检验。
observation station:  观察所,观察站;气象台,观象台。
observation car:  (火车的)游览车厢。
lunar observation:  太阴观测。
plane:  n.悬铃木属树木。短语和例子plane2n.1.平面,水平面,面。2.(知识等的)发达程度,水平,阶段。3.【航空】机翼面;〔常 pl.〕飞机。4.(结晶体的)一面。5.【矿物】总巷道。短语和例子an inclined plane 斜面。 a plane of polorization 【矿物】偏振(平)面,偏光面。 a plane of reference 【数学】基础(
Example Sentences:
1.The us has lost predator observation planes to hostile fire before , but rarely , if ever , over iraq
2.It can give vector of stress , and break factor and direction vector of tensive crack and shearing crack in the special observation planes ( for examples , in a stratal surface which is fluctuant in depth )
软件可视化包括:空间应力矢量(大小和方向) 、裂缝性态(张裂缝和剪裂缝发育程度及其方向矢量)在特定观察面(如沿起伏的地层面)上的展示。
3.Abstract : in this paper , a ray - optics analysis is performed to investigate the asymmetry of dual beam scanning field produced by a rotating polygon . some basic equations of dual beam scan are derived , such as , the position vector for the incident point , the scalar expression for reflected ray , scan pattern on observation plane ect . the far - field asymmetry of the scanning field has been discussed
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